Thursday, July 26, 2012

Feng Shui Your Life: Food 4 Thought Thursday

Have you heard of Feng Shui?

Well as I sit here watching Larry Crown, there is a part where Larry Crown (Tom Hanks) is getting his house cleaned by his fellow students and the refer to the technique of Feng Shui. Well I have heard of this once before but not until now did i take the time to see what exactly was it.

I paid a visit to my good ole friend Google to learn what was Feng Shui and was lead to master teaching of Feng Shui. So now I am interested and a little scared about trying this because i need some order in my home. I'm a partial (laugh out loud)... I know what is partial? Its that I know that I have a problem and i do clean enough to maintain some order.

So I will attempt to start on step 1, Clear Out Your Clutter..... I will take before and after photos and post them in one week as I proceed to Step 2, Have Good Quality Air and Good Quality Light.

This is not my house below but inspiration of how I want mine to look.


  1. I watched that movie as well and was interested in the term! My house is in need BAD!

    1. Mine does also... since my kids are getting older then maintain the common areas that the use but my room is another story.

  2. My husband is somewhat of a hoarder too, so I know how that is. I can't wait to see the before and after pictures of your home.


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