Friday, October 26, 2012

Would you join the gym for free child care?

"I only join the gym for free childcare " ~ Anonymous Mommy 
 So the conversation for the day is this... Would you join a gym for a hour of peace???

I'm a current member of 24 Hr fitness and while my kids are a little too old for the gym daycare I thought this was a great ideal if you was a stay at home mom. I know right now someone is yelling at the computer that i'm a terrible woman for thinking this is a great ideal but I was at one time a stay at home mom and I use to have days that i just wanted be kid free.

Now I love my kids but sometimes.... I think you understand.

So the question of the day is this... would you get a gym membership for the sake of 60 minutes of total you time?

Coffee Shop Confessions is one of my favorite shows on the internet and I hope you like it also.

24 Hour Fitness 

Bye for now,


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  1. Brilliant! I may have to join a gym just for that.

  2. Huh, that is an interesting idea!

  3. I would probably join if there's a free childcare.

  4. Yes, I would love to be in a gym for an hour and consider it my me time. I used to go to a gyum and it's a good place to release all those stress.

  5. I wouldn't join a gym for free daycare. I know some people need a break from their kids but I am not one of them.

  6. oh boy! i would love to :D that's one of the reasons why i can't go to the gym, no one takes care of my kids for free if i go hehehe

  7. Probably not unless I really had no other outlet...but my son naps 3 hours every day and I have a very supportive and helpful husband, so I do have outlets. That said, I am a member at a gym with free childcare that I gladly take advantage of, and I only have 1 kid. So I'm really not in a situation where I feel I NEED to do it. But I can completely sympathize with anyone whose situation is really different from mine and feels like they need that.

  8. i would love to start going to the gym only if they offer a free child-care :D

  9. probably not, because than i'd have to work out! lol

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