Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Goals and Resolutions | My Idiot Proof Plan...

 Plan to not plan out your year for 2013....How my New Years Resolution is always finished by Dec. 31!

I love this photo because I am such a post-it note junkie. If you looked at my desk with you would see I have tons of them with just random thoughts that only I know what they mean. Future blog post, my wheel watchers ID number and random passwords...

So this is the year that I save as much money as possible. Did you all make your list of everything you wanted to do for the new year? Well I didn't... I actually stopped doing this about 10 years ago after i had my first child and realized that you can't really plan for life you just have to do. I mean I didn't plan my son but I also didn't plan not to have him either. We was a newly wed couple and kinda what happen....did just that it happen and I loved every bit of it.

So I actually just live my life and I set myself goals that I want to say I finished every year. Its somewhat like I have mini bucket list set for myself each year and it seems to work out just lovely.I cross some out and I roll some over to the next year but I have a goal and that is what matters most.

So for 2013 I think I finally want to buy my own home. Yep I want to be a "bona fide" home I love that word "bona fide" you will know what I mean if you have watched Brother where art thou....I want to have a little piece of land that's mine with a little house and picket fence. Yes I know I watch a lot of TV but a girls has to dream right?

So to reach my goal I am going to try and focus more on my couponing this year. Finish my degree.. I should be graduating this December!!! Use my gym membership... been there 4 times and been paying for the membership for a year now. This will in return put more money in my pocket.... Degree equals better paying job and getting in better shape equals a promotion in the military and more money!!! Ching-ching! 

So what are your goals for the new year?

Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1.  Hi, Great post.  I found you through the blog hop. Please stop  by and say hi when you get a chance.  .Be sure and check out my new Blog Hop that started. It's Weekly Goals Link Up. It's a great way to stay on track. Have a great day. :) Now following you. 


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