Thursday, February 28, 2013

Review | Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish

In my mission to find some healthy frozen food selections, I have tried the Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish and I am impressed by the flavor and goodness of this product. So far I have purchased this one meal about 6 times but I plan on trying some more real soon so make sure to to follow so you wont miss out.

The Flavor : Great, Tasty, filling
The flavor of this meal is quite delightful. The fish that happens to be Alaskan Pollock is just right. Its dose not cook to be hard, soggy or greasy its just right. Its served with rice, poblano peppers and corn in a sour cream sauce. All together this happen to be a delicious meal for any lunch or dinner. Now I, of course, would like for it to be a little larger.

Preparation: Easy
Preparing the Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish is very simple.

Nutrition:  High Sodium
So, how does the Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish stack up in the healthy category???? Except for  high sodium counts, I'd say the Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish looks like a very healthy food choice, at least considering the options we have in the frozen dinner aisle. A whole Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish represents 1 serving, so you can eat the entire contents of the box and not worry that you'll be eating more than you're supposed to!

Here's a rundown of the nutrition label on the Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish box:
260 calories
60 calories from fat
7 grams of total fat content
2.5 grams of saturated fat
0 grams of trans fat
1 gram of polyunsaturated fat
1.5 grams of monounsaturated fat
15 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol
630 mg of sodium
300 mg of potassium
35 grams of carbohydrates
2 grams of dietary fiber
7 grams of sugar
16 grams of protein
Vitamin A: 8% of recommended daily intake
Calcium: 30%
Vitamin C: 5%
Iron: 10%

Overall, I'd say that the Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish meal is a great buy for the money I spent.

Cost: Affordable
I bought this product for $1.99 at Target 

Bye for now,


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