Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Stop Mr.Officer I can't get this ticket because....

 My Baby is sick and we are searching for am emergency room....

I'm laughing out loud just thinking about this incident. About 7 seven years ago when I was in the process of moving to Texas my father insisted on helping me drive to Dallas. My husband at the time had just deployed to Iraq and the kids, me and Damien (the dog) was planning our big road trip.

During the trip I was pulled over for speeding and when before the office could even start to say why he was pulling me over my father leans across the driver seat and says we are trying to find an emergency room by grand baby is sick. At that time she just happen to be crying in the back seat she was about  9 months at the time.  So the officer decides to give us a police escort all the way to the hospital so she could get checked out.

At the time I was so scared and embarrassed that my father had done this knowing that there was nothing wrong with my daughter. But since the lie was already in the works I had to stick with it and follow the police to the hospital and go thru the hole process of checking her into the emergency room.

Thankfully the waiting time to be seen was about two hours so we sat there for about 45 minutes to give the offices time to leave and then we was back on our way to Dallas. This was a wild and crazy trip and for some reason it crossed my mind and I wanted to share since it can cause no harm now.

So what are some of the craziest things you have heard of or done to avoid a ticket?

Bye for now,


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  1. Too funny! I've never done anything special to get out of a ticket...but I do have a funny ticket story.

    We were driving along with my mom not long before my husband and I got married. She was telling me how she thought it was "Illegal" to print our own invitations. (Uh, huh...really mom?) As she was talking about this I pulled through a gas station because there was a short-cut through the mini-mall behind it. She said, "Don't you know it's illegal to do that?"

    "To do what?"

    "To pull through a gas station like that without stoppping!"

    I kept my mouth shut, and chalked that under the category of "things my mom says are illegal just because she doesn't like them."

    Guess who got a ticket for pulling through a gas station a couple months later. But printing your own invitations...that's still legal, as far as I know.

  2. Hello! Just wanted to let you know that I added you to my blog sidebar under my list of Texifornians. :-)

    Would you be interested in being interviewed? I won't have time until after the holidays, but I've been wanting to interview some Texifornian bloggers for a while. You could be my first. :-)

    1. That would be cool... Never been interviewed before, just let me know. Thanks for adding me to your site... I have visited before...when I went to add it to favorites I was already there.

  3. just got stopped too. The baby was screaming. But when the police officer came she stopped and acted like an angel.

    1. lol... too funny. Did you get a ticket? I hope not them things are so expensive.

  4. I just admit to what I was doing wrong. I got one ticket and it was for speeding, when I actually wasn't! I won in court though and didn't have to pay it.

    1. Thats great...its always nice to save money. Some tickets can be costly.


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